Thursday, October 08, 2009

My Last Words

Mummy, Daddy,
Cursed be the day you conceived me.
Into a world I can't see anymore.
Into a world I can't hear any longer.
Into a world I can't speak to.
All I can do is feel.
Feel the emptiness,
The perpetual search for purpose.
Feel the hand that opens up
The tap of inborn evil
And leaves it running.
My tears are hardened.
They refuse to fall.
My passion is
Scorched beyond repair
By a fire
Produced by the people of this world.
No one wants that fire
But still they leave it to burn.
They fan it generously
With betrayal, hate, lust, murder, covetousness
To name just a few.
Blinded by a most alluring darkness
Which they force themselves to see as light.
They sit on thrones in the light,
But are lower than rubble in the dark.
They dismiss the pain in the light,
But are being flayed alive in the dark.
When shall your eyes be open?
When will you see beyond the lies?

These are the words of a dying old man
Which may never get to the ears of the living,
But if faith finds you worthy
To hear these words of mine
Ponder them well.
Because like they say,
A word is enough for the wise.

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